It is made up of PVC & PVC compound with carbon steel & free cutting steel inside.
Select Product —Please choose an option—Air FilterAxlesBall BearingBowden CablesBrake Disc Pad SetsBrake DiskBrake DrumBrake Drum PlateBrake PedalBrake RodBrake ShoesBrass JetCable TiesCarburettor Repair KitCarburettorsCentre StandChain Tensioner (Wheel Pull)Clips, Connectors _ TerminalsClutch PlatesCoilsCrash BarCylinders _ Cylinder HeadDisk PadsEngine ValveFastnersFootrest RodFork Boot (Gaitors)Fork Tube _ AssembliesFuel Cock (Petrol Taps)GasketsHandle Bars
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